Welch and Rushe takes our responsibility to our community seriously. Our corporate responsibility framework creates an ecosystem where we can deliver peace of mind to our customers, empower our employees, operate ethically, manage our impact on the environment, and initiate positive opportunities to give back to our community. Year after year, we challenge ourselves to find improvements that benefit our company, our employees, and our customers.
“We join County Executive Rushern L. Baker, III in his recognition of your company’s longstanding commitment to Prince George’s County and your role in improving the quality of life for our residents and other businesses.”
~ Jim Coleman, Prince George’s County Economic Development Corporation
Investing in Training & Development.
Valuing Diversity & Inclusion.
Supporting healthy work-life balances.
Fostering lasting relationships.
Implemeting best indiusty practices.
Retaining open lines of communication.
Paid internships.
Academic schlarships to local high school students.
Pillars of Strength Scholaship for Caregivers at University of Maryland Global Campus.
Maintaining fair and ethical practices.
Holding ourselves accoutable to fair and reasonable pricing.
Upholding safety requirements for the jobsite and workplace.
Complying with government regulations that protect the environemnt.
Innovating & transforming unused material for repurpose.
Jamie is a focused, skilled, and driven leader. Jamie was promoted to President of Welch and Rushe in 2022. This challenging role involves directing, heading, and envisioning the next steps of a $75 million/year business. He oversees all executive management and administration procedures throughout the company.
Steamfitters Local 602, Graduate
Associated General Contractors of America, Maxwell Estimation Certificate